Grundopskrift på macarons og macarons med valnødder
Da jeg for nyligt afsluttede min uddannelse som civilingeniør, havde jeg til receptionen lavet macarons, som selvfølgelig blev serveret med Moet et Chandon Brut Imperial champagne (fordi jeg ELSKER den champagne :-).
Til min store overraskelse, vidste de fleste af mine fantastiske venner (som havde taget fri for at fejre dagen med mig!) ikke hvad macarons var. Det undrede mig virkelig, i det jeg synes de har været fremme et stykke tid nu… også i Danmark.
Da de alle var vilde med dem, satte jeg mig for at udbrede kendskabet til disse små vidunderlige kager, som det første her på min spritnye blog.
Basis opskrift på Macarons (eller på dansk: makroner)
100g æggehvider
25g sukker
200g flormelis
Pisk æggehviderne stive i en metal eller porcelænsskål. Tilsæt gradvist sukker, hvilket vil give en skinnende mareng som denne.
I en blender blendes mandler og flormelis til en ensartet mandelmel. Denne mandelmel sigtes i marengsen for at undgå for store stykker mandler i makronerne (hvis du vil have farve i, er det her du tilsætter det). Nu kommer ”det svære”. Bare rolig, sværere er det ikke, men det er her det går galt hvis det går galt. Med et par hurtige tag blandes marengsen og mandelmel sammen. Det er meningen at du skal miste noget af marengsens luftighed her og du kan faktisk godt være ret hårdhændet uden at det gør noget! Helene fra Tartelette skriver at du helst ikke skal røre mere end 50 gange, før alt er mikset sammen. Du kan teste marengsen ved at sætte en lille top på en tallerken. Hvis den flader ud, uden at man kan se aftegninger af en top, så er du klar. Se et eksempel på hvordan de IKKE skal se ud her:
Hrmm, dem lavede jeg kun for jeres skyld (eller ikke – selv en garvet macaron-bager kan være for hurtig :-)
Hvis der stadig er en top der ikke forsvinder på din testtallerken, så rør et par gange mere. Fyld en pose (jeg bruger en almindelig frysepose) med marengsen, klip hul og lav cirkler i passende størrelser (ca. 2,5-3 cm) på bagepapir. Husk at de som sagt flyder ud, så lav dem ikke for store. De skal helst se nogenlunde således ud:
Tænd ovnen på 150 grader C, og lad imens makronerne stå i en times tid på bordet, eller indtil at du kan mærke at den øverste del er størknet. Denne proces er vigtig, da det er den der giver de små søde ”fødder” på makronerne. Bag dem omkring 15 min afhængig af størrelse, og lad dem køle fuldstændig af inden du fylder dem med lækkerier.
100g eggwhites
25g granulated sugar
200g powdered sugar
110g whole almonds
Whisk eggwhites gradually adding the granulated sugar to give a shiny meringue. In a blender, mix the whole almonds and the powdered sugar to give a homogeneous almondflour. Sift this into the meringue base to avoid large lumps of almonds. Now for the hard part. Don´t worry, it´s not that hard! But if you fail, this is the part that most likely failed. With a couple of quick strokes mix the almondflour and the meringue. The purpose is to loose some of the air of the meringue. You can be quit rough here. Test the meringue by putting a small drop on a plate. If it looses its beak, your good to go, but if it looks like the red tops in the picture above, you need to give it a few more strokes. Put the meringue in a plasticbag, and place cirkles of approx. 2-3 cm in diameter on the baking sheet. Turn on the oven on 175 degree C, and leave the macarons on the counter in room temperature for about 1/2 hour. This process is important, as this will give the cute little feets on the macarons. Bake for about 15 min depending on size and allow to cool completly before filling them with goddies.
I couldn´t help myself and had to try this using walnuts as well. I used a 50/50 mix with almonds, and the same process as before. The walnut taste was quit dominant, but as they were filled with mango-buttercream, the walnut flavour was complemented in the most delightfull way!
250g unsalted butter, room temperature
Powdered sugar to taste
1 whole mango
Blend the mango to a purée and whisk it in the butter, to a homogeneous mass. Add powdered sugar to taste. Add in between two macarons using a plasticbag. 1, 2, 3 - EAT!
Whisk eggwhites gradually adding the granulated sugar to give a shiny meringue. In a blender, mix the whole almonds and the powdered sugar to give a homogeneous almondflour. Sift this into the meringue base to avoid large lumps of almonds. Now for the hard part. Don´t worry, it´s not that hard! But if you fail, this is the part that most likely failed. With a couple of quick strokes mix the almondflour and the meringue. The purpose is to loose some of the air of the meringue. You can be quit rough here. Test the meringue by putting a small drop on a plate. If it looses its beak, your good to go, but if it looks like the red tops in the picture above, you need to give it a few more strokes. Put the meringue in a plasticbag, and place cirkles of approx. 2-3 cm in diameter on the baking sheet. Turn on the oven on 175 degree C, and leave the macarons on the counter in room temperature for about 1/2 hour. This process is important, as this will give the cute little feets on the macarons. Bake for about 15 min depending on size and allow to cool completly before filling them with goddies.
I couldn´t help myself and had to try this using walnuts as well. I used a 50/50 mix with almonds, and the same process as before. The walnut taste was quit dominant, but as they were filled with mango-buttercream, the walnut flavour was complemented in the most delightfull way!
250g unsalted butter, room temperature
Powdered sugar to taste
1 whole mango
Blend the mango to a purée and whisk it in the butter, to a homogeneous mass. Add powdered sugar to taste. Add in between two macarons using a plasticbag. 1, 2, 3 - EAT!